So proud of all the brave girls starting school today. Although thing look a little different this year, I know you will all soar through! Breath in. Breath out. You’ve got this! So do you mama♥️ • Happy 1st day of school girls! 🎈

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Teaching your daughter affirmations can be an incredibly powerful tool for developing her self-confidence and reminding her of who she is. • Instead of always telling a girl, “oh I love your hair or dress,” try telling her that you love other things about her personality, uniqueness or abilities. Teach her to affirm herself and to see herself as wonderful as she is!
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Mid week round of applause to all the bold girls pushing through school either virtually or in person this week! 👏🏾 Remember your affirmations. • I am smart • I choose my attitude • I can can all things through Christ • I believe in myself • I am smart • I will try my best • I will step out of my comfort zone 📸 @angelicaligon

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